What Shower Screen Design Is For You?

Undergoing a bathroom renovation? Need to replace a shower that’s seen better days?

A new shower screen can give your bathroom an impressive look and feel. High quality shower systems are an investment in quality and sophistication, and can spruce up any bathroom space.

There are many state-of-the-art glass screen designs that you can choose from, these include; frameless shower screens, semi-frameless shower screens and fully framed shower screens.

Frameless Shower Screens

A fully frameless shower screen has a frame around the border only. The glass can be held in place with c-channels, wall channels or for a seamless look we use stainless steel fittings. This style has a pivot hinging system that allows the door to open inwards and outwards. If your budget permits a fully frameless screen will give you the most minimalist look possible.

Deluxe Semi-Frameless Shower Screens

Semi-frameless shower screens have a slim line frame around the border only, the shower door is unframed. This style has a pivot hinging system that allows the door to open inwards and outwards, similar to the frameless screen. A semi-frameless shower screen can achieve a modern, contemporary look without the high cost.

Deluxe Semi-Frameless Slider

Similar to the deluxe semi-frameless screen, the slider option showcases minimal lines with a slim frame around the border only. The semi-frameless slider is suited to an opening greater than approx. 1300mm.

Standard Semi-Frameless Shower Screen

A standard semi-frameless shower screen has more framing than the deluxe options and the door only opens outwards. This is a cost effective shower system, that is set to add style and value to any bathroom design.

Fully Framed Shower Screen

A fully framed shower screen usually has an aluminium frame around each panel and the shower screen door. This classic design is still a very popular option with many of our clients, and is considered a ‘rock-solid system’ that will stand the test of time.

Fixed Panel

A fixed panel shower screen is a simple way to add class and style to your bathroom. This minimalistic style is cost effective and allows you to showcase your other bathroom features.


When deciding on a shower screen style, ensure you have considered the overall design outcome of your new bathroom. Hills Robes & Screens are experts in shower screen solutions and are here to help. We have several shower screen designs set up in our Caloundra showroom for you to view in person if needed.

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